
A ‘Fresh Palazzina’: the new headquarter of Palazzina Creativa

Palazzina Creativa
agosto 2024 - 5 minuti

Palazzina Creativa has a new headquarters: more beautiful, bigger and above all tailor-made to be the natural habitat of a communication agency… as we understand it. We are telling you about it, because it speaks of us and our vision!

The new Palazzina Creativa headquarters

Well, where are we? We know it’s the first question that arises spontaneously, so we’ll anticipate you: from the province of Padua Palazzina Creativa has moved to the province of Treviso, to be precise in via Boscalto 50 in Resana.

Here, in fact, we found what was exactly right for us: a location that allowed us to work on an already existing building without having to create a new structure, and that could benefit from a good logistical connection.

Building renovation in the name of comfort and sustainability

The area in which Palazzina Creativa’s new headquarter is located began as a pizzeria in the late 1990s (Balubino), then became a summer disco (Vela Reef) around 2010 and a brewery (Cà San Barto) until 2020.

After a couple of years of neglect, in 2023 the adventure begins to transform it into our new venue.

Studio Malvestio took care of the architectural design and management of the entire project, operationally overseeing the renovation from various points of view and the reorganisation of the interior spaces, realised by choosing sustainable solutions with a low environmental impact (after all, we are a B Corp certified agency).

A headquarters where sharing is cultivated

The reorganisation of the interior spaces has been designed to support a principle that is among the cornerstones of our way of conceiving work: sharing.

We wanted an environment where we could work and be together in total comfort: this is why only 30% of the surface is dedicated to operational areas, designed in a smart way and without defined workstations. On the ground floor of the building we have several meeting rooms, a large open space and specific areas designed for sharing – such as a fully equipped kitchen, our ‘Hosteria’ – during working hours and otherwise.

The surrounding greenery isalso an active part of our system: a panacea for refreshing ideas and a break from the purely digital context in which we are involved!

Space for teamwork and… vision: a creative hub

Over the last few years, the Palazzina Creativa team has grown and, despite smart working, the race to the desk had become the most popular sport among the Palazzini. But, comfort aside, a larger floor space has allowed us to realise several projects we had in the drawer, further develop some existing activities and become a technological and creative hub, where we can host events and professionals looking for operating space and opportunities to share ideas and skills (spoiler, we’re talking co-working!).

In the foreground: shootings, podcasts and material library

On the first floor of the new premises we have created space to set up a permanent photographic set – with various backdrops and everything needed to realise professional shoots in-house – and, hear hear, a station equipped for recording podcasts!

Next to this room dedicated to audio-visual production is the door (oops, no doors :D) to our material library: digital is banned here, because it is a room dedicated to our off-line work.

If you were wondering what a material library is, it is an archive in which we collect catalogues, brochures, packaging and everything we have designed on a physical medium. In short, this is where you will find our ‘printed’ projects on display and where – both we and our customers – can take refuge to find new ideas, drawing on the best work we have already done.

How I inaugurate your new venue: Fresh Palazzina party

Could we not have had a housewarming party? Of course not, if only as an opportunity for catharsis after the months of work it took to create the space it is today.

And so it wasthat on 28 June 2024 we cut the ribbon in the presence of the mayor of Resana and the deputy mayor of Loreggia, and celebrated with friends, customers and partners (we thank Ortoromi and Apilla again for quenching our thirst, Pan & Dolci for the catering, Garden Cavinato and Arredo Change for the outdoor set-up, and Tipografia Cattapan for printing the invitations).

During the event we opened (again metaphorically) the doors of the agency, for a tour of the spaces, to get to know our work a little better, what it means to be a B Corp and the Palazzina Educational project. In the meantime we got tattooed, ate palazzos (polarettes made in Palazzina 🙂 ) and well, we had fun.

If you want to know more about what it was like, who was there, and how Fresh it was, you can check out all the photos from the event here!