
PalazzinaCreativa is B Corp

Andrea Faliva
agosto 2024 - 4 minuti

Drum roll: we have achieved B CORP certification! Before we tell you how good we were, however, we want you to be clear about the B CORP world.

What does B CORP mean?

B CORP is the name of the certification that attests to a company’s commitment to not only create economic value, but also to have a positive impact on society and the environment. The certification is issued by B Lab, a non-profit network working to transform the global economy for the benefit of people, communities, and the planet. Because it is possible and, we agree, especially necessary.

How to become a B CORP

Here’s the kicker. To obtain certification, you have to pass under the lens of B Lab, which measuresthe company’ssocial and environmental impact, performance and transparency according to five standards: Management, Employees, Community and Territory, Environment, Ethical Customer Management.

The assessment is made through a score, theOverall B Impact Score: with 80 points you’re in. We scored 89.4 (by the way, did you know that the average score of a ‘traditional’ company is around 50.9?).

Overall B Impact Score: a score that measures the company’s social and environmental impact, performance and transparency according to 5 standards: Management, Employees, Community and Territory, Environment, Ethical Customer Management.Let’s get to the point. It took 8 long months, but we are finally a certified company. But why did we care so much? And above all, what makes us a B CORP?

The journey of PalazzinaCreativa

The B Corp certification is a way to certify what PalazzinaCreativa, in essence, has always been: a company committed to the territory (as with the edutainment project dedicated to schools PalazzinaEducational, active since 2016) and to the well-being of the people who work here.

This is why we found ourselves at the end of 2021 becoming a benefit company and, as of now, having drawn up our first sustainability report.

Branding digital agency. B CORP

As much as we are in the digital business, we believe that the services and products we develop should have a social, environmental and economic impact, contributing in a concrete way to a more sustainable future.

All beautiful, but you are rightly asking what makes us a B Corp.

A list of our activities would be a bore, so you can start to get an idea on our dedicated profile: have a look at our B Corp page!

View our B Corp page

Rather, if you are interested in knowing what we do every day to fit into this ‘club’ right in practice, write or call us. We will be more than happy to answer your questions.