Footer Wine

A Prosecco, sbagliato, with a sediment in it


Naming Packaging

Footer: the bottom section of a website, yes, but also Palazzina Creativa’s wine. A sparkling research project that we developed to grow, innovate and challenge ourselves: naming, tag and packaging for our sedimented wine.

Interactive labels

The naming was inspired by the digital world: drinking our natural wine, you may notice a little sediment on the bottom of the bottle. This reminded us of another thing, a very familiar one: the footer of a website, the very sediment at the bottom of every page. This is how Footer was born. A wine to enjoy until the end thanks to its interactive label: the fun doesn’t stop once you’ve finished the bottle! For Footer Wine’s labels we used variable-data digital printing, and embossed foils and veneers. However our main focus was on the consumer: we wanted all the drinkers to be entertained with crossword puzzles - and they’re all peculiar to each bottle! Life is like a label of Footer Wine, you never know which one you’re going to solve.