Digital but human

We are an independent, digital-first business: 25 people (and each one is one-of-a-kind), all qualified to curate media projects from a branding to a digital point of view.

Palazzina Creativa
Palazzina Creativa
Palazzina Creativa

We work everyday on strategies and projects that can express the onlyness of our customers developing services and products - both physical and digital - which have a positive impact on our society and on the environment.
We do what we do with passion and with eyes wide open, while supporting our customers in the process.

“We believe each business is unique” - it’s our mantra. This is why we combine design, technology, and marketing-oriented strategies to make that uniqueness stand out.


Design digital first

Digital thinking: our starting point to jump-start creativity, marketing strategies and technology. To be “digital” does not only mean that we create products and services for the world wide web.
It also means that our approach is inspired to the ever-changing digital world - one that is always improving and renovating. This method guides us in how we manage activities, our work, our choices during any of the projects we take on.

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Brand Sprint Palazzina Creativa


Our building rules

There are six, plus an unwritten one: to always make time for a chat and a coffee together. Because there’s great value in sharing.

1. No walls for an heterogeneous team
2. Work at the same table, not only under the same roof
3. Make room for self-expression and well-being. Long live diversity!
4. Always welcome positive changes
5. Education and (plenty of) training for a brighter future
6. Order and tidiness, a.k.a. efficiency and transparency


International Awards

We work hard to showcase your ideas in the most effective way possible, and sometimes our passion and dedication get rewarded.
We don’t let it go to our heads, though. At best, we’ll celebrate over a gin-and-tonic.